Exclusive Access to a VIP-Only Room, INSTEAD of the Facebook Group during the daily sessions. Interact with us during the sessions AND get your questions answered and personal coaching LIVE after the training session. ($500 Value)

An Additional 1-hour VIP-Only Coaching and Training Session each day of the challenge so that you can ask your questions, get personalized coaching, and break through your Love Barriers to easily attract the right man and create the relationship of your dream! (That’s 5 additional hours of coaching and training! – $500 Value)

TWO Additional VIP-Only Coaching and Training Sessions the week after the challenge ends to continue making the SHIFT you want to make to create the loving relationship you want. (That’s an additional week of coaching and training! – $500 Value)

PLUS… Get access to the recordings of the Daily Challenge, VIP Room, and Bonus VIP Sessions.($1500 Value)

You get recordings of:

5 Daily Love Coaching Training Sessions ($500 Value)

5 Daily VIP-Only Coaching Sessions ($500 Value)

2 Additional Bonus VIP Coaching Sessions ($1000 Value)

* These recordings will not be made available to those who only join via the Facebook group. They are for VIPs ONLY.

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